Saturday, November 23, 2024

Catching the Sunset, 3

That brilliant September sunset was over and the sun was almost gone. The cars were heading back over the bridge.  All that was left was the violet glow.  I was attracted by the lavender hues of the sky, water and pavement. 

Friday, November 22, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

 Catching the Sunset

Beautiful sunsets on Duxbury Beach are a never ending source of inspiration.  One evening in September of last year, a blue moon was scheduled to be present.  I, in the company of many, headed out to the beach.  The moon wasn't much to see but the sunset leading up to it was remarkable.  Our town has two beaches back to back, formed on a strip of land which forms a thin peninsula. One side is the bay of our town and the other side is the open ocean. We are on the east coast so the sun sets behind the outer beach.  The beach fence in this scene is protecting the beach grasses on the outer beach so it is being illuminated by the warmth of the setting sun in the west.